Join us for the next Rizzuto Blood Drive at The St. Peters Donor Center. Donations start at 2pm.
Donate and receive this year's Rizz Show Blood Drive T-Shirt - hand drawn and designed by King Scott!
ImpactLife is a not-for-profit blood center that provides blood and blood components to 25 hospitals in the St. Louis metropolitan region (Previously known as Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center).
Every day, patients at St. Louis-area hospitals receive blood transfusions that come from donors who volunteered to give blood at a ImpactLife donor center or mobile blood drive.

To maintain a safe, hygienic environment at Donor Centers and blood drives:
- Masks are now optional at ImpactLife blood drives. While donors and staff are no longer required to wear masks, ImpactLife staff members will wear a mask if requested to do so by a donor.
- Appointments are encouraged to help manage the flow of donors, but not required. Walk-in donors will be accommodated as much as possible between appointments..
- Prior to donation, donors are screened for symptoms of illness (body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and hemoglobin level all are checked, and the donor completes a pre-donation Donor History Questionnaire).
- When possible, donors are asked to complete the Donor History Questionnaire online on the same day as their donation (see www.bloodcenter.org/EarlyQ)

ImpactLife is a not for profit, community based independent Community Blood Center, serving over 80 hospitals. Volunteer blood donors provide a critical, lifesaving resource that can come from no other source. Join the effort to help save lives by giving blood at the Point Blood Drive!
For more info on ImpactLife, visit bloodcenter.org
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